Program - Listening & Speaking

Listening and Speaking


Number of hours: 132. The course consists of two semesters.


Listening and Speaking course covers the following topics:

1. Work

2. Food

3. Languages

4. Health and medicine

5. Environment and ecology

6. Education and learning

7. Culture

8. Globalisation

9. Science


Listening skills


  1. Understanding lectures
  2. Predicting
  3. Monitoring
  4. Responding
  5. Clarifying
  6. Inferencing
  7. Finding central information in sentences
  8. Recognising sentence connections (e.g. cause and effect, contrast, listing, etc.)
  9. Evaluating the importance of information
  10. Note-taking
  11. Filling in gaps in texts
  12. Completing a note-frame


Speaking skills


  1. Structuring a presentation.
  2. Using signposts and language signals to organize and give a presentation.
  3. Presenting.
  4. Expressing your opinion.
  5. Expressing agreement and disagreement.
  6. Language of persuasion.
  7. Language of reason.
  8. Planning a meeting. Preparing a communication strategy.
  9. Learning how to get your point across.
  10. Making sure you are being understood.
  11. Choosing an appropriate speaking style in presentations, meetings, negotiations.



Anderson, Kenneth — Joan Maclean — Tony Lynch. 2012. Study Speaking. A Course in Spoken English  for Academic Purposes. 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press.

Lynch, Tony. 2004. Study Listening. A Course in Listening to Lectures and Note-taking. 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press.