Program - Reading & Writing
Reading & Writing
Number of hours: 132. The course consists of two semesters.
Reading skills
- Structure of a textbook
- Scanning
- Prediction
- Surveying a text
- Reading for important points
- Reading for the main idea
- Reading for detail
- Recognising a writer’s opinions, attitudes and purpose
- Following the development of an argument
- Making inferences and implied meaning
- Reading graphics
- Discourse study (text and chapter structure, linking words, signpost expressions, identifying text structure, marking text structure)
Writing skills
- Distinguishing between writing styles
- The grammar of academic writing
- The vocabulary of academic writing
- The language of classification
- The language of comparison and contrast
- The language of definition
- The language of generalization
- Writing about events in time
- Describing processes and products
- The language of argument
- The language of coherence and connection
- Structuring a research report or paper
Glendinning, Eric H. — Beverly Holmström. 2004. Study Reading: A Course in Reading Skills for Academic Purposes. Cambridge University Press.
Hamp-Lyons, Liz — Ben Heasley. 2006. Study Writing: A Course in Written English for Academic Purposes. Cambridge University Press.