Speaking and Listening

Speaking and Listening

Listening/Nice to meet you
Speaking/Good morning!
Vocabulary development/ The alphabet, greetings, classroom instructions
Vocabulary Development/Numbers 1-100
Listening/Free time
Speaking/Study habits
Vocabulary development/Time, words that go together
Listening/Under the sea and sand
Speaking/Let's discuss it
Vocabulary development/Expressions for discussions
Listening/The language of dots
Speaking/Body language
Vocabulary development/Presentations, silent letters
Listening/The importance of studying
Speaking/What we study
Vocabulary development/Word families
Listening/Technology and telephones
Vocabulary development/Dates
Listening/Big business
Speaking/The clothing industry
Listening/The solar system
Speaking/Looking at the moon
Vocabulary development/Big numbers, recording vocabulary
Listening/A role model
Speaking/What do you want to do?
Vocabulary development/Recording vocabulary
Listening / Listening at college
Speaking / Checking information
Vocabulary development / What is vocabulary?
Listening / Academic routines
Speaking / Talking about the college environment
Vocabulary development / Keeping a record
Listening / Working together
Speaking / Talking about numbers
Research / choosing a focus
Listening / houses in the future
Speaking / giving reasons
Vocabulary development / Words that go together; Linking words
Listening / learning styles
Speaking / giving opinions
Vocabulary development / how strong is your opinion?
Listening / Technology
Speaking / presenting information
Vocabulary development / Words that go together
Research / Aksing research questions
Listening / Excuse me, do speak English?
Speaking / Starting your presentation
Vocabulary development / Synonyms
Listening / Important cities
Speaking / Comparing cities
Research / Information sources
Listening / Memory
Speaking / Improving your presentation delivery
Vocabulary development / Word families
Listening / Life begins at 40
Speaking / Giving a conclusion
Vocabulary development / Describing objects
Research / Bringing it all together
Listening / New places, new people
Speaking  / Introductions
Vocabulary development / Word stress
Listening / Separated by water
Speaking / Talking about countries
Vocabulary development / Synonyms
Listening / Two journalists
Speaking / Talking about jobs and studies
Vocabulary development / Collocations
Listening / Biomimicry
Speaking  / Describing objects
Vocabulary development / Informal or formal?
Listening  / Welcome to the first day
Speaking / Making conversation
Vocabulary development / Suffixes and prefixes
Listening / Functional foods
Speaking / Expressing approximations
Vocabulary development / Collocations
Listening / Heroes and heroines
Speaking / My hero
Vocabulary development / Register
Listening / A survey on e-communicating
Speaking / Asking questions
Vocabulary developments / Adverbs and adjectives
Listening / The Lewis chess set
Speaking / Machines
Vocabulary development / Compound words
Listening  / Ecotourism
Speaking / Transitions
Vocabulary development/Dependent prepositions
Listening / How to be a successful student
Speaking / Assessing study habits
Vocabulary development / Using a dictionary
Listening / healthy alternatives
Speaking / organizing a presentation
Vocabulary development / recording vocabulary
Listening / The history of a city
Speaking / expressing opinions
Vocabulary development / Learning academic vocabulary
Listening / Feed the world
Speaking / Discussing pros and cons
Vocabulary development / Collocations
Listening / Are we all becoming the same?
Speaking / Conducting an interview
Vocabulary development / Word formation - Suffixes
Listening / What is world heritage?
Speaking / Presenting data
Vocabulary development  / Word formation - Prefixes
Listening / Airports around the world
Speaking / Supporting your argument
Vocabulary development / Subject-specific vocabulary
Listening / sports sponsorship
Speaking / interviewing
Vocabulary development / Word families
Listening / Trends in world population
Speaking / Presenting results
Vocabulary development /Formal and informal register
Listening / The end of books?
Speaking / Giving and supporting opinions
Vocabulary development / Register