Rules and Regulations of the Centre for Foreign Languages
Rules and Regulations of the Centre for Foreign Languages
of the Medical University of Warsaw
1. The Centre for Foreign Languages conducts courses in modern languages and in Latin in accordance with the study programme for the given field of study.
2. The language course finishes with a credit, a credit with a grade or an exam, depending on the language taught and the field of study.
3. The courses focus on a specialised language tailored to the needs of future graduates.
4. Credits are awarded on the basis of: attendance in class, at least satisfactory grades obtained from partial tests and a written final test, as well an oral presentation in the case of modern languages.
5. In the case of absences:
- two absences in a semester – both are to be made up for within two weeks of the absence;
- three absences in a semester – the student is obliged to submit an application to the Head of the Centre for Foreign Languages with a request to be allowed to make up for the third absence in an individual mode;
- four or more absences in a semester – the student is obliged to repeat the semester (in the case of hospitalisation or a long-term illness confirmed by a medical certificate, the student may apply for permission to make up for the absences in the resit examination session);
6. A student is obliged to take a written final test at a date set by the teacher. In the case of not turning up for a written test or failing the test, a student is entitled to one resit date set by the teacher. The resit test must be passed before the beginning of the examination session. In the event of failing the resit test, a student is entitled to a second resit date in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Studies at the Medical University of Warsaw. The student’s grade is recorded in the student’s credit book and is confirmed with the Head or the Coordinator of the Centre for Foreign Languages. Confirmation is not required for grades entered in electronic course of studies report (Virtual Dean’s Office).
7. A student applying for exemption from classes (transfer of the grade) should submit an appropriate application to the Head of the Centre for Foreign Languages during the first week of classes. First year students will not have their grades transferred.
8. The form of examination is announced to students in the teaching guide for the given field of study and year of study.
9. Having a foreign language certificate or a credit for the language course obtained in another field of study at the Medical University of Warsaw or another university, does not exempt the student from attending the classes provided for in the current study programme.
10. If transferred to an online mode, classes are delivered at a scheduled time in the form of video meetings during which both teacher and students have their webcams on. Failure to switch on the webcam during the class means that the student is considered absent from the class.
11. Matters not covered by these Regulations will be settled on a case-by-case basis by the Head of the Centre for Foreign Languages.
Final test and examination grades are as follows:
2.0 (fail) below 60%
3.0 (satisfactory) 60%-69,99%
3.5 (better than satisfactory) 70%-79,99%
4.0 (good) 80%-85,99%
4.5 (better than good) 86%-90,99%
5.0 (very good) 91%-100%